Friday, February 10, 2017

The Holocaust (partner Kaela)

      The word "Holocaust" means the destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, specifically by fire. Heirnrich Heine, a German poet, wrote "Where one burns books, one will, in the end, burn people." Since the German's believed that they were superior to the Jewish people, they wanted to kill all of them, and keep only the people that were blonde-haired and blue eyed. The Holocaust was a devastating event in which millions of people died, in an attempt to purify Germany's population. "A large population of the Jewish people were sent to labor camps, and approximately 12,000 Jews were gassed and killed everyday." Majority of the Jews did nothing wrong, yet they were killed for something that they had no control over. Just because a dictator believed that their race was not important, all of the Jews were in constant danger, and had to suffer harsh punishments and torture. The Holocaust was an inhumane act, which nearly wiped out the entire Jewish population.

      Just the meaning of the name Holocaust, is just a glimpse of what happened in the Jewish concentration camps. It comes from the greek word "Holos"( whole) and costs (burned). The holocaust was the mass murder of about 6 million jews. Hitler, the dictator at the time believed that Germans was a superior than any other race. There were many concetration camps in Poland including Chelmno, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdenek, and Auschwitz - Birkenau. The Germans tried to keep these camps a secret but due to large amount of killings it was very hard to do so. He also forced them on the front line of war, ultimately causing death. As Champetier de Ribes, the French Prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials explained, “This [was] a crime so monstrous, so undreamt of in history … that the term ‘genocide’ has had to be coined to define it.”  this crime was very inhumane, as it a an act of racism genocide, due to Hitler not liking a certain race. Kity Hart-Moxon, a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau, remembers the high value placed on food, and so much wanting to survive the camp. She would sometimes take the piece of bread from the body of someone who had died during the night"  This explains the harsh conditions that the jews had no choice to encounter, If the german Nazi's didn't kill them, the lack of food causing starvation did. Overall the jewish people had received torture for their beliefs for no reason and that the dictator at the time believed that another race was more important.

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