Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Merchant of Venice Act 1

Scene 1-2
1) The setting of this story is in Venice, in the 16th century. The people are rather noble and appear to be rich.
2) Antonio is a sad person, who is sad for an unknown reason. Since he's a merchant, he might be worried about the investments that he made on the ships that were at sea. If they return safely, then he could be rich, but if they don't then he could be in trouble.
3) Bassanio asks Antonio for a loan, so he could appear rich and live up to Portia's expectations.
4) Portia thinks that Bassanio is a good option to be her husband, because he seems like he has the right characteristics. She only saw him once, but Nerissa thinks that he was the most deserving of a pretty person like Portia.

Scene 3
1) Portia can't control who she marries because the people that she is able to marry is in her father's will. Therefore, she cannot choose a man suitable for her.
2) Shylock is a Jewish merchant who hates Antonio for being Christian and for lending out money free of interest. He is important to the story because he's the one that lends the money to Antonio and Bassanio.
3) The deal between Antonio and Shylock was that if Antonio didn't pay him back his money in time, then he can have "a pound of his flesh" from wherever part of his body that he chooses.
4) Shylock is hesistant of this agreement because they have a bad history with each other. They hate each other for their beliefs, and Antonio treats Shylock as a dog and spat on his beard. He doesn't know if Antonio can be trusted with his money, so he makes an extreme deal with him.
5) I would trust Antonio because if he is willing to make a big deal, like a pound of flesh if he fails to pay him back, then he must be pretty confident. Plus, he also said that he feels like he can get the money in 2 months rather than 3.

Reflection Question:
I think it is smart that Antonio and Shylock are doing buisness together because they aren't friends. If they were friends then they would feel like they have to give the other person more time, if they couldn't pay them back. If you are dealing with a lot of money, then you have to be very strict on the rules and contract if you want to get your money back. Friends try to be nice to each oher, and that's why they would make bad buisness partners.

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